Everyone gets a paycheck when employed and they come regularly, typically every two weeks or once a month. What you earn is called your “gross” wages, deductions are always taken from the total gross wages, it is not optional, what is left over and spendable is called your “net” income, the money available for bills and fun.
Gross wages: What the job description says you will earn.
Net wages: The amount you receive and are able to spend after the government and your employer subtracts from the "Gross" amount, this will usually be 25-30%, the deductions can include things like...
FCIA tax (Federal Insurance Contributions Act): Tax to help fund Medicare and Social Security.
State income tax: Tax that varies by state, a percentage of money that you pay to the state government based on the income you make at your job.
SDI deduction: State Disability Insurance, varies by state. State disability insurance is a form of insurance that provides short-term partial wage replacement to eligible workers who are unable to work because of a non-work-related injury or illness.
Federal income tax: Tax paid to the federal government based on the the amount of money you earn. Governments use the money collected through federal taxes to pay for the growth and upkeep of the country. The federal income tax is the largest source of revenue for the U.S. government.
Health Benefits: The portion of health benefits that you pay.
Upon the time of your paycheck, you will receive a check attached to a check stub which will clearly outline all of the deductions taken from your gross wage. Your wages can also be automatically deposited and you can get an electronic check-stub via email.